20 million members) or the Protestant (ca. 24. Main facts and figures 2. 2 million). It extends from north to south about 2,400 kilometers (1,500 miles) and from west to east about 1,900 kilometers (1,200 miles). Census 2001/2011 West Midlands CCU(14)C4 4 Christian Ethnicity - Comparison of 2001 and 2011 Census Data. S. . 7% were from ethnic minority groups (not including white minority groups) 68. 1 percent. 7%) Hinduism (1. 1 million) to over a third in 2021 (37. A total of 20 million Christians live in the Middle East, mostly in Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Turkey and Syria. 20% of adolescents may experience a mental health problem in any given year. in June 2022, over 1. Estimates from 2021 suggest that of the entire U. It reported that 43 percent of adults identified as Protestants, down from 51 percent in 2009; while 20 percent said they were Catholic, down from 23 percent in 2009. While roughly 70 percent of American adults identify as Christians, the so-called nones—people with no religion in particular—have been growing as a share of the population. Religion. At the same time, Christians continue to make up a large majority of U. According to the 2017 Inter Censal Demography Survey by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency 69. 1. We take a life-course approach to mental health because good mental health begins in infancy. Data sources 7. Although integrated in the larger Egyptian nation state, the Copts have survived as a distinct religious community forming around 5 to 20. The census revealed a 5. At the same time, much smaller. c. Explore the geographic distribution and demographics of America's major religious groups. 9 billion in 2010. The rates of increase (percentage increase) in the Black, Asian, White (European and Religious affiliation Orthodoxy is the dominant religion in Central and Eastern Europe, and the majority religion in 10 of the 18 countries surveyed. 7K Likes, 3. District South Kesteven. Christianity is the largest religion in England, with the Church of England being the nation's established state church, whose supreme governor is the monarch. . Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number. Ethnic groups by region 5. Nearly two-thirds of Christians in the Americas (65%) are Catholic. . S. How U. S. They provide a detailed snapshot of the population and its characteristics, and underpin funding allocation to provide public services. Population overview The majority of information about people’s faith comes from the Census. Furthermore, people who identify as Hindu will also grow from the current . 6K Comments. % of population in England. Manipur is a state in north-east India with a population of more than three million. The U. . 6 West Bromwich West: West Midlands conurbation: 69. 1%. The American Religious Landscape in 2020 Seven in ten Americans (70%) identify as Christian, including more than four in ten who identify as white Christian and more than one-quarter who identify as Christian of color. After. In all but two countries in the region (South Africa and Botswana), more than 80% of adults say religion is very important to them, yielding a regional average of 89% who say this. The majority of Christians in South Korea belong to Protestant denominations and only about one-quarter is Catholic. 5%) Judaism (0. 0 percent are Roman Catholic, in total 84. 1. 2%. Please note - this table may not be suitable for all analytical purposes as it has been produced in response to your ad hoc request and is based only on APS data. In addition, three-quarters of Mississippians say they pray at least once a day and 77% of Alabama residents say religion is very important in their lives. the Midlands and West Yorkshire. % of population in Birmingham. Contents 1. Christians around the world live in somewhat smaller households, on average, than non-Christians (4. 24. Regional and Country-Level Projections. . Homelessness data. 1 percentage point decrease from 59. 7%. Total. Considering the fact that there are few Christians in the Gulf region, it is possible to say that large portions of the Christian population in Syria and Iraq migrated to Western countries due to the prevalence of terrorism at home. The largest increase has been in the Asian Christian population, a fourfold increase in the ten years since 2001, and a doubling of the percentage of people of Asian heritage who are Christian. S. The share of Christians in the population of the state was around two percent in 1911, which increased to 13 percent in 1931 and to 46 percent in 1951. In the Middle East and North Africa, at least 70% of people say religion is very important to them in all countries surveyed except Lebanon (57%) and Israel (36%). The largest increase has been in the Asian Christian population, a fourfold increase in the ten years since 2001, and a doubling of the percentage of people of Asian heritage who are Christian. Leicester (/ ˈ l ɛ s t ər / LES-tər) is a city, unitary authority area, unparished area and the county town of Leicestershire in the East Midlands of England. 8 percent to as high as 3 percent of the country’s population. The region of England with the highest percentage of people with English as a main language was the North East (96. The number of adherents to the Catholic Church as a percentage of overall population has remained stable. [16] Also in 1998 the Cherubim and Seraphim (Nigerian church) inaugurated its first church in Ireland, today there are 7 branches of the church. Religion. 7 per cent (one million), up from 1. Though Christianity began in the Middle East-North Africa, today that region has both the lowest concentration of Christians (about 4% of the region’s population) and the smallest number of Christians (about. Manipur is a state in north-east India with a population of more than three million. 1 percent follow one of the. 7% of teachers were women, and there were more female than male teachers in every ethnic group; 2. 3%. 7% . Catholicism – whether embraced or rejected – has played a crucial role in defining identity in Asia. Gains were most pronounced among Muslims (who accounted for 0. Main facts and figures 2. Leicester’s Asian population first became well established after 20,000. 3 For example, solid majorities in some countries (such as Italy and Portugal) and fewer than half in others (such as Sweden and Denmark) say that it is important to have ancestors from their country to. Viewed another way, in roughly half the countries where data are available on Christians (37 out of 78), young Christian adults are significantly less. most ethnic groups had roughly the same male and female populations. 16. All grade 9s in all subjects taken in 2022, 16-year-olds, England only. 9%) Buddhism (0. Groups constituting less than 2 percent of the. 6 billion of the worldwide population of about 8 billion people. Christians place on religion (in 2014, 68%. Overall, nearly six-in-ten people in the region (57%) identify with this Christian tradition. 5 million (17%) fall in the number of people who describe themselves as Christian and a 1. 16. The share of the public identifying with religions other than Christianity has grown from 4. The percentage of Jewish people. 5 million (17%) fall in the number of people who describe themselves as Christian and a 1. government estimates the total population at 16. Hindus made up 1. 6 billion of the worldwide population of about 8 billion people. Christians as a whole to say that living a very religious life is one of their most important goals (37% vs. . Based on interviews with more than 500,000 respondents between 2013 and 2020, the census report reveals the shifting dynamics of American religious affiliation across geography, race and ethnicity,. 5 million), whereas London had the lowest percentage (78. These figures are similar to the level of importance U. Local Authorities Local authority statistics provide further insight into where ethnic groups tend to be concentrated within England and Wales. "If recent trends in switching [changing one's religious affiliation] hold, we projected that Christians could make up between 35% and 46% of the U. Despite this decrease, “Christian” remained the most common response to the religion question. % of population in England. According to a PEW estimation in 2020, Christians made up to 2. 5 percent of the total population is Christian and 11 percent Muslim. How U. A snapshot of modern Britain: Census shows fewer people in England and Wales describe themselves as white and under HALF are Christian for the first time EVER, while two-thirds of Londoners are. 3 million) in 2011;. The most recent Census data is from 2011 and this reported that: The largest religion in the ‘other. "If recent trends in switching [changing one's. . 6K Comments. 6 billion adherents and is the largest-religion by population respectively. By ethnicity 3. S. Leicester’s Asian population first became well established after 20,000. Download the data 1. S. At 5. S. By contrast, only about one-quarter of Catholics (24%) and one-in-eight Protestants (12%) now live in Europe, down from an estimated 65% and 52%, respectively, in 1910. 4%. Religion. 3% were white and 25. 4% of the total UK population, [4] while the 2021 Census results released so far (as of November 2022) show a population of 3,868,133 (6. 7. Europe is no longer projected to have a plurality of the world’s Christians; in fact, only about 16% of the world’s Christians are expected to be living in Europe as of 2050. Throughout India's history, religion has been an important part of the country's culture and the Indian subcontinent is the birthplace of four. Though Christianity began in the Middle East-North Africa, today that region has both the lowest concentration of Christians (about 4% of the region’s population) and the smallest number of Christians (about 13 million) of any major geographic region. 5%, 2. 1 per. . 3% in North America – a combined total of 62. [1] ages 18–29, who are 27% white Christian, 26% Christian of color, 7% another religion, and 36% unaffiliated, and ages 30–49, who are 40% white Christian, 32% Christian of color, 4% another religion, and 23% unaffiliated. As such, they are official statistics but will be subject to further. 8%) Sikhism (0. 4 crore) to 966 million (96. Things you need to know 3. . Essex has the highest population in the region. Though religious groups grew at uneven rates between 1951 and 2011, every major religion in India saw its numbers rise. 2% 3,765,389 95. 8%) Sikhism (0. Prayer frequency is just as high in six Latin American countries, including Guatemala, Honduras and Paraguay. 1:. 7%). 6 billion adherents and is the largest-religion by population respectively. For the first time, the Census provides insights into religious-group composition in the 17. 0. S. The only exception was the Middle East and North Africa, where Christians were somewhat older (median age of 29) than the overall population of the region (median age of 24). Judaism Singers Hill Synagogue, Birmingham, England. 2 10% of children and young people (aged 5 to 16 years) have a clinically diagnosable mental. S. Beyond the different types of harassment religious groups face, there also are regional variations in where the two largest religious groups are more likely to face harassment. Church leaders’ estimates of the size of the Christian community range from approximately 1. 1 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24. 2 per cent or 22. The largest Christian group is Roman Catholic with 39 percent; 32 percent is Anglican, and 11 percent Pentecostal Christian. c. Government office region (GOR) East Midlands. In Wales, many fewer people reported their religion as Christian. The Middle East-North Africa region also is expected to grow faster than the world as a whole, edging up from 5% of the global. 7% in 2007 to 5. According to CIA statistics, Catholics account for about one-fourth of Christians and about 11 percent of the entire population (some sources contend this statistic under-represents the. government estimates the population at 104. 0%) of the population reported their religion as Christian in England and Wales, a decrease of nearly 8. One of the main narratives that came out of the 2011 Census is that the percentage of the population. Section I. While roughly 70 percent of American adults identify as Christians, the so-called nones—people with no religion in particular—have been growing as a share of the population. S. 6 billion of the worldwide population of about 8 billion people. 7 million) people in England identified as Muslim (5. Christianity is the predominant religion in the North East states of Nagaland, Mizoram Meghalaya, and Manipur, and has substantial populations in the states of Arunachal Pradesh,. . Religion. " Seven percent identify with a non-Christian religion, including 2% who are Jewish, 1% Muslim and 1% Buddhist, among others. S. mapper (@westmidlandsmapper1): "Percentage of Christianity in the middle east (L Saudi Arabia people should be able to express their religious views in any country) #christian # ️☦️ # ️ #middleeast # ️ ️☪️ #armenia #lebanon". Almost one-third (29 percent) of South Koreans are Christian, while a plurality of South Koreans have no religious affiliation (46 percent) and just over one-in-five are Buddhists (23 percent). 6%) Not Stated (6. 4%. uk The Middle East-North Africa region is home to less than 1% of the world’s Christians. 3 million households composed of more than one person. 4%. The rates of increase (percentage increase) in the Black, Asian, White (European and WASHINGTON, D. mapper (@westmidlandsmapper1): "Percentage of Christianity in the middle east (L Saudi Arabia people should be. adults who say religion is an important part of. During the 1900s, Christian faith was most prevalent throughout Europe and the Americas – claiming around 93% of the the entire global Christian population. 6%) Not Stated (6. Similarly, in every African country surveyed, more than 60% of Christians say they attend church at least weekly.